Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab has been sentenced to be hanged till death... Oh Wow!! What a wonderful verdict by the Indian Judiciary...... He brutally killed 74 people, and so he got jus what he deserved
If this has been what was u were thinking about the issue, then I have a question for u, What difference has u from this guy who has been sentenced to death..... NONE, if u ask me... when u keep such a mentality, u have the same attitude as this guy who killed 74.
yes! what he did was certainly wrong... and every wrong has a punishment. May be the judegement was right enuf... But how many of us were kind enuf to utter a one word in prayer for this kid, to feel some sympathy for this kid of 22 who knows not what he has done.... how many of us were kind enuf to pray that at least his soul be saved and that he find his rest at least once he leaves this life....
oh! wat a life of turmoil he might have had....!! things we all might not have ever seen in our lives. Things our weak hearts would never been able to bear.....

Wouldn't it be nice and more humane to say a small prayer that his soul may rest in peace than tell that he got excactly what he deserved. He did not... Poor thing did not get a second chance... a chance to rethink, a chance to reconsider... no angel met him in his way to soothe him... luckily our lives are so full of second chances and angels to soothe us all way. and hence we are not where he is... then y not a little bit of kindness to one human....

he was not worse than any of us... but jus a lot more unlucky.... then Y not some sympathy...

Is it cos we think prayers dont help.... or is it cos we think there exist no God who can change the heart of a cruel brute.....??? Is it cos we doubt the abilities of the most powerful??? or Is it cos our hearts are so full of revenge.... that we are just as bad as he was... may be more brutal.... more inhumane.....!!!!!

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