Friday, April 30, 2010

.... Promise......

"God that cannot lie, Promised" (titus 1:2)
This is for a new turn in faith life. So often we are troubled cos we are worried about our future. We know God has promised to help us but we are unsure till the time we see that the help has come. and this is the exact reason life becomes a trouble for us. All that we need to make heaven out of our live on this earth is "Faith". Faith turns the promise into prophecy. While it is merely a promise, Faith claims it and it becomes a prophecy. Faith says not " I see that it is good for me , so God must have sent it," but "God sent it, so it must be good for me". This attitiude will be so helpful to u that it will enable you to face all situations life throws at you. Faith, walking in the dark with God, only prays Him to clasp its hand more closely.
yes, "God that cannot lie, promised"

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