Sunday, April 25, 2010

Talking About God.....

Why talk about God???

Two reason, one- the day being a sunday and the other I always talk about God.... He is the most real person to me.... they say the ones who have known real love and happiness cannot help but share it. And the reason for my happiness is God.

But what about God??
Now this is not to propogate a religion. We all beleive in God. But for most of us He is but Just God, the Impersonal, All Powerful, All controlling God uninfluenced by the feelings and sufferings of Humans. We have gone to the level of saying that "God is playing Chess with our lives". Nope. all our religions look at it from a different point of view and we fail to understand it and is forever unsatisfied.
My religion told me that Humans were created in the very likeness of God. Surprise we look like God----- each one of us in that matter of fact. Not even angels are our equal. so if we deduce things from what is said above then we are more powerful than angels, spirits, anything else in the whole universe---- not even the forces of evil that we are so scared of are as powerful as humans. all of them if you destroy them, are destroyed forever, but only Humans can come up even if he is sent to the dephths and depths of torment and destruction. All that human requires for this is God. God is human's hope, the only hope and existence of Humanhood. If u hv God, U have life, abundant life.
Now getting God is the difficulty. Or may be not!!! cos for God being with humans was is greatest wish. He enjoyed human fellowship. He enjoyed it so much that even while he was forever worshipped by all powerful heavenly beings, he longed for the company of Humans who had sinned against him and had gone astray. He so loved humankind that he was ready to give away His only son and then later His own spirit to humankind. Take it from any other religion everytime evil increased in the world, God became human. He came down. He doesn't really play chess with our lives, but he is ready to come down to us when we get in trouble. he is ready to make any sacrifice to win our company.
What a privilege???
And wat does He ask in return. Its the small price of our company. But the fact is that His company actually satisfies us to a level that nothing else in this world can. He thinks that we shud be partakers of such pleasure. How kind of the all powerful to be worried about pleasure as if it was a matter of His happiness. Yes, the matter of his happiness is our abundant life. Life which outflows
And thats the reson why he ask us to love Him more than anything- work, money, pleasure, enjoyment even our life. Cos the love of Him is ultimate life.
And further more when we enter into such an experience with God, the life in us outflows bringing life to anything we touch. Yes, we will be lighted- lighted to lighten. Lighten as in to bring light and to make lighter heavy burdens that men carry. Cos we have with us the ultimate solution for any heavy burden. A God who's ready to take all our burdens.

Don't you feel now such an experience is worth a try.......???

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